School Uniform

School Uniform

The school has a clearly defined uniform that all the children wear. All children are required to wear school uniform as it helps to give a child a sense of belonging to a community. The uniform is an integral part of the school ethos. As a school we have a logo which appears to the right and is embroidered on our school sweatshirt, polo shirt and PE t-shirt. These items are available for purchase at the school.



  • School sweatshirt / fleece with logo
  • Red/royal blue polo shirt with logo
  • Black trousers, skirts or shorts in summer
  • Royal blue or red check dress (summer only)
  • White or black socks or black/grey tights
  • Sensible school shoes with a closed toe – must have a low heel


Sweatshirts, fleeces, PE shorts and T-shirts, PE bags are available from Thomas Moore.

P.E. Kit

For safety reasons children must wear the correct clothing for P.E.
  • Black or blue shorts
  • White T-shirt in a named draw-string bag
  • Trainers or plimsolls
During the winter months children may wear a tracksuit for outdoor activities.

Where to Purchase

We have several options available for you to purchase school uniform.

Swimming Kit

Swimming is usually taught in KS2 only. Letters will be sent home in advance of it starting.


Jewellery and nail varnish are not allowed to be worn at any time, apart from watches and one pair of studs in pierced ears. Watches and earrings must be removed for swimming and P.E. Children are not allowed to bring mobile telephones to school.

Lost Property

Please ask at Reception if you have lost any property.
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